Trip Tips - Mt. Charleston

Listen, we get it. Las Vegas is HOT. Moving here during June, I had an idea of what I was getting into. There’s a reason we sought out a house with a pool. However, what I failed to realize is that aside from pools, Las Vegas locals have an escape when they want to feel some crisp fresh air and be surrounded by nature.

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Why Quarantine from the Coronavirus is the best time to dust off that old camera

Photography is a skill that with a little practice can turn from hobby to passion to profession. If you're like me and have been given the option/mandate to work from home, this is both a blessing and a curse. The curse is that we all are going to somewhat experience a bit of cabin fever, but the blessing is we can use our inevitable wandering attention spans to look at bettering ourselves and our hobbies during this trying time of the Coronavirus and COVID-19.

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